Hope’s Happy Tail
From Tracey - Hope's Mom: I would like to share this story and a picture of my beautiful Hope. [...]
From Tracey - Hope's Mom: I would like to share this story and a picture of my beautiful Hope. [...]
Deaf Dogs Rock received an email from Amanda Gilbert with the Lampasas Animal Shelter in Lampasas, Texas the other day. [...]
I received and email about a deaf pit bull that was recently about to be put to sleep but an [...]
Mel is a beautiful deaf white Aussie. Mel works as a therapy dog at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital through Delta [...]
Nitro and I were very excited to see Alisha McGraw posted a photo on social media of her deaf dog [...]
Bianca was listed on our Deaf Dogs Rock Adoptable Deaf Dog section and she was adopted. I received an email [...]
This beautiful deaf pit bull (we call them pibbles) is Bialy (pronounced bee a lee). Bialy is a deaf pibble [...]
Deaf Dogs Rock just got word another awesome Deaf dog named Astro from the TN Safety Spotters has earned his [...]
Welcome our guest blogger Bernard Lima - Chavez who is the daddy of four dogs named Darwin, Galileo(hearing dogs), Edison, and [...]
One of the great things about dedicating our lives to saving deaf dogs all over the county, is the wonderful [...]
I love some of the great stories we are receiving here at Deaf Dogs Rock which include deaf dogs participating [...]
Since many of us have senior rescue dogs, I wanted to share my thoughts on Honest Kitchen Revel Chicken Recipe [...]
Update on Pete 3-29-2015: Pete did not make the entire transport from the Southeast to the West coast because one [...]
Meet Frances, she is a beautiful three year old deaf boxer. She is a rescue and is one of the [...]
We are so excited to hear the announcement of Deaf Dogs Rock being named a finalist in THREE of the [...]
We had a winter storm here at Deaf Dogs Rock Headquarters yesterday. We dug out today but we had frigid [...]
Update on one of our sponsored dogs via Kendra Coleman Brandt's FB page: 1 year ago today we adopted a [...]
It has been over a year or so ago since I spoke to Jeff on the phone about his new [...]
By Jessica Bailey I work at a grooming salon as a bather and have ALWAYS a wanted a dog. I [...]
Thanks to all of our followers who helped Deaf Dogs Rock Go Fund Me Fundraiser to get our DDR Transport [...]
Sometimes we get so darned busy around the Deaf Dogs Rock Headquarters, we forget to stop and take a look [...]
Deaf Dogs Rock had the pleasure of sponsoring and transporting THREE special needs Aussie mix puppies last weekend to Green [...]
We got a few URGENT plea from the Conroe Animal Adoption Center for a deaf dog who needed rescue in [...]
We got a message from Stacy Epperson Volunteer Coordinator with Friends of Bedford County Animal Shelter in Bedford, Virginia asking [...]
Deaf Dogs Rock received a plea from a woman who needed our help. She was about to lose her home [...]
Since our Deaf Dogs Rock community has been sponsoring and helping so many dogs on the East Coast lately, I [...]
A few of our Deaf Dogs Rock followers shared with us an URGENT deaf dog named Eli in need of [...]
Jeff's Happy Tail is written by Summer Frazier. Thanks Summer for sharing Jeff with all of our readers and for [...]
A few months back we reached out to our friend and fellow rescuer Laurie Metzger with All Paws Rescue in St [...]
Kira's Happy Tail - By: Shannon Brandl We sure didn’t need another dog…. But sometimes the dog picks you. Let [...]
The Deaf Dogs Rock Team had the pleasure of delivering high quality, real meat, dog treats from Kong Premium Dog [...]
Written by Amber Geyman For six years we had a special needs Frenchie named Gus; he was our incredible little [...]
I ran across this article about how dogs should greet each other and thought it would give our readers something [...]
Deaf Dogs Rock got word there was a senior deaf dog located in Pulaski County at the Humane Society in [...]
Update 11-19-2014: Dudley aka Apollo is doing great in his new home! Here are some photos of him "chillin like [...]
Update 11-17-2014 from Brittany Walters and her dog Lola now Harley: They use to call me Lola but my new [...]
Last week Deaf Dogs Rock had received several requests via email to sponsor a deaf puppy into rescue from Murfeesboro, [...]
Update on Raynor 10-26-2014: After working with Raynor for a week on his leash walking while he was staying [...]
It is very rare we run across a deaf greyhound so I was so excited when I received Canada's Happy [...]
We received a wonderful update on deaf boxer Tyson from his mom Trisha Sluder so I thought I would share [...]
I received a message from a young lady named Jennifer Samela asking for help with a deaf dog she was [...]
A little over a week ago I received another late night email about a deaf boxer puppy who needed help. [...]
We had Susie Q now named Sydney listed up for adoption at the end of August. Unfortunately the home she [...]
Update 10-06-2014: Our T-shirt Booster.com Campaign is now closed. We sold 138 T-shirts and raised over $2500 to go towards [...]
Sometimes things just work out for a reason. When I read Bluebella's story and read about the woman who adopted [...]
Last year I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dog Trainer, Author, and Educator Michelle Hunting with the Kenyon [...]
Because it is Deaf Pet Awareness week this week we really wanted to highlight a deaf Therapy Dog this week. [...]
Autumn is my third deaf Dalmatian. I adopted her on new years eve, shortly after my beloved Zypher passed away [...]
Makis is a beautiful 3 year old white deaf boxer adopted from Florida Boxer Rescue. Makis has earned his Therapy [...]
We are so excited because our very first Bostonista By Zoey Dog Bed arrived in the mail today! You are probably thinking, what [...]
I ran this article when we fist launched Deaf Dogs Rock so I know not many people had a chance [...]
This holiday (also known as National Dog Appreciation Day) has been celebrated every year on August 26th since 2004. The purpose [...]
Dottie's Happy Tail is told by Nina Coulson: We got Dottie from a charity called Bullies In Need. Dottie was [...]
Update 8-29-2014: Alexander went home with his new human mommy and daddy today. His new mommy Lisa is a Vet [...]
It is so nice to have supporters all over the country. Just a couple of weeks ago I received word [...]
Update:Daisy was returned by the man who adopted her because he decided she was just to much puppy for him [...]
This beautiful Happy Tail was submitted by Fred Pfisterer of Staunton Va. Here is Rosie's Happy Tail I picked Rosie [...]
It is Molly's one year Anniversary since Kimberly got this sweet baby girl. Happy "Gotcha Day Molly"! It's been one [...]
I ran across this article in my issue of Modern Dog and I decided to look on-line to see if [...]
I think most of us in the dog rescue community hear the following words often "We need to get a [...]
By Bernard - Lima Chavez - From Dog & His Boy Blog Deaf dog Edison "listening" with his eyes and [...]
Sometimes I get emails from families who may have a deaf puppy and they aren't sure what they need to [...]
We had a great week last week because a young lady named Gina reached out to us here at Deaf [...]
This is Nala's Therapy Dog Wall of Fame story told by her human Jonathan Jenkins. Nala was found wandering the [...]
I just learned about this "ROCKIN" adoption event coming up this weekend and I love the idea so I wanted [...]
At Deaf Dogs Rock we have a lot of deaf family members adopting deaf dogs listed on our website. We [...]
This afternoon (morning for some) Deaf Dogs Rock will be featured on Blog Talk Radio on the Pet Radio Show. [...]
This is the story of my little buddy Whiskey our Deaf Therapy Dog. My name is Billy and I had [...]
Skye has earned her AKC Canine Good Citizen Award! From Deb Soricellie: This is my deaf boxer girl Skye. I [...]
Our Deaf Dogs Rock crew had so much fun last weekend at the PetEx Pet Expo at Roanoke Civic Center. [...]
Chris and I are very fortunate to have good relationships with our local rescues and shelters so when a deaf [...]
This story was sent in by Shannon Grandon and Terry Grandon. This is Snow's Happy Tail Snow was rescued from [...]
We had so many people coming to our Deaf Dogs Rock Wall and sharing the following photo saying that the [...]
Since I get this subject brought up often about deaf dogs chasing shadows, lights, and even their own tails, I [...]
Update 3-08-2014: Charlie has been ADOPTED! A big thanks to Heather Ladd for being Charlie's Guardian Angel and to the [...]
Thanks to our amazing Deaf Dogs Rock community we have a very happy tail to tell. Last Thursday night I [...]
Message from Nitro head dog at Deaf Dogs Rock: We are so excited to announce our first ever Treat Me [...]
Please welcome our guest blogger Bernard - Lima Chavez from Dog and His Boy Blog. Old Dog and New Tricks [...]
I haven't updated this post since Dozer found his new forever home in Washington State. Here is the story of [...]
A big shout out to Lindsey Ward with WSLS for doing a interview with us about DeafDogsRock.com. She and her [...]
We have always known Donna and Mac Adams of Richmond, Virginia were special when we met them a few years [...]
Deaf Dogs Rock is so fortunate to know so many amazing rescue warrior men and women throughout the United States. [...]
Puppies, puppies, puppies oh my! What a fun transport we did on Saturday getting these two beautiful deaf Dogo Argentino [...]
Thanks for your support. Because of our awesome DDR followers we are able to assist deaf dogs all over the [...]
We had several people from all over the country send me an on-line advertisement for a free deaf puppy in [...]
Lately I have been thinking of doing my Will and there are so many decisions to be made because of [...]
Update 1-2-2014: I almost forgot to give you all an update. Ali'toa aka Toy went to a wonderful home with [...]
Update 12-20-2-13: Here is an update from Pearl's new mommy in Fredrick, MD: Hi Christina -We are approaching 1 week [...]
Update 12-15-2013: Blitz has been in his new foster to adopt home for a few weeks. He gets along great [...]
When I saw the litter of puppies at Angels of Assisi Rescue in Roanoke, VA, I worried many of them [...]
This year I wanted to give you some gift ideas for your deaf dog friends (and hearing dog friends) as [...]
Update 12-13-2013: This fundraiser is now CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who participated. I can't wait to see some of your [...]
For a few weeks we kept seeing the same photo over and over of a poor deaf dog named Mitch [...]
Happy 3rd Dogiversary to Pickles! It was three years ago today that Pickles joined Mac and Donna Adams and their [...]
This year we put on our very first Deaf Dogs Rock Shelter Dog Blanket Drive for our local shelters and [...]
Hi I'm Casey Weber. This is my deaf dog Charlie's Happy Tail. I believe he is a Catahoula Leopard Cur. [...]
Three weeks ago I kept getting links sent to me on Facebook that featured an older deaf dog named Rusty [...]
Story by: Christina Lee - Deaf Dogs Rock I was lucky to meet Annie Hart with the Bill Foundation and [...]
Winners Announced! #27 Betsy #41 Robin Keller # 56 Janet Chung If you are a winner from above please email [...]
This week I received two emails for dogs in need of our help. One was from a nice lady named [...]
Since we have five dogs here on the farm at our Deaf Dogs Rock office and we train both of [...]
Kong Premium Dog Treats gave Deaf Dogs Rock a very generous donation of their Premium Dog Treats to share with [...]
October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and since many of us have shelter and rescue dogs I thought we [...]
When I read deaf dog Zoey's Therapy Dog story from her human mom KJ Shea, there was one thing that [...]
Murphy's Happy Tail was submitted by Courtney Georg. Murphy sure is adorable! Thanks for sending in Murphy's Happy Tail Courtney. [...]
Salem OR - Salem man pulls gun on knife wielding intruder By KGW.com staff at www.kgw.com/news/Salem-homowner SALEM – A [...]
Since this week is Deaf Dog Awareness Week, Deaf Dogs Rock is honored to be interviewed for the PetMeds.org Blog. [...]
Because many of you donate to our cause, we can literally jump right into a rescue situation on a moment's [...]
There was a little deaf boxer girl at the Baldwin Park Shelter (which is an over crowded shelter in a [...]
We had a friend send us this story out of California reported by ABC News.go.com. This is why Deaf Dogs [...]
I thought I would share this story with you Rockers. Actress Tricia O'Kelly's deaf dog went missing and some guy [...]
It gives me great pleasure to feature Spring's (aka Starlet) Happy Tail with our readers. Starlet was listed on DeafDogsRock.com [...]
I was sad to hear my leg of the transport got cancelled for little deaf Aussie girl Armani. She was [...]
A really nice family contacted us about listing their little female pibble (endearment for Pit Bull) named Blue. I let [...]
Sweet pretty deaf girl Daisy was listed on our website about 2 weeks ago and now she has been rescued [...]
It gives me great pleasure to tell all of you that Toby the young deaf spotted boxer boy who was [...]
It is people like Kim Balboni who fund raise for Deaf Dogs Rock in honor of her beloved deaf dog [...]
This story was sent in my Ann De Lara of Angels Camp, CA. This is her deaf dog Chuckie Woo [...]
I had a great time at the 2013 BlogPaws Pet Blogging and Social Media Conference at Tyson's Corner, VA this [...]
Nitro, Rebecca Custer (she is the Shelter Director who introduced me to Nitro) and I left really early on the [...]
My heart was touched this weekend when I received the following letter from a student named Anna Lynch from Gallaudet [...]
This is Rain's CGC and Puppy Bowl VII story told by her mom Kimberly K. Mockler. According to my deaf [...]
Update 5-20-2013: Sorry this update on Chilly is late because I am still playing catch up after doing a few [...]
Flat Pets are a large photograph of your pet that has been carefully cut out with a blade and then [...]
It's that time of year again! We are so excited to be going to the 2013 BlogPaws Conference! Nitro and [...]
Echo is a 2.5 yr. old deaf American Pit Bull Terrier mix. He was born in a high kill shelter [...]
Sprite is a cute little Aussie/Border Collie mix who was pulled by Cathy Miller of Deaf Paws Haven down in [...]
Nitro, Bud and I have had a very exciting week this week. I had my first radio interview with Michelle [...]
Note from DDR: I know we talk about a lot about deaf dogs who are born deaf here at Deaf [...]
I thought I should put up the American Dog Magazine Deaf Dog PSA again for all of you to share. [...]
My Maggie has earned both her CGC and is a TDI therapy dog. She loves visiting kids at the Ronald McDonald [...]
Since Deaf Dogs Rock and our followers have previously discussed the topic of "Can deaf dogs make good Post Traumatic [...]
I usually don't give my dogs to many treats aside from the Old Mother Hubbard baked biscuits they get at [...]
In August 2010, I received a call from a Boxer Breeder looking to place a white deaf Boxer Puppy, she [...]
Deaf Dogs Cotton and Ella's Happy Tail told by Philip and Shanti Kriens Cotton and Ella are both deaf and [...]
I ran across this story on my Google Alerts and it is another wonderful story about a deaf Australian Shepherd [...]
All dogs are visual. Deaf dogs are even more visual because they can't hear. So if you have deaf or [...]
Deaf Therapy-Service Dog Bosco Rocks! Story by: Mitra Singh Last summer Bosco a deaf dachshund was in Street Service Dog [...]
I get at least 30 to 50 emails a day, most of which are questions regarding deaf dogs or adoptable [...]
Okay so I admit I can be a procrastinator like the next person but with that being said, I kept [...]
I just love when we get another story of yet another deaf dog going through all the levels of obedience [...]
I saw this cute recipe of paw print treats for your deaf dogs on Martha Stewart on-line and I thought [...]
There are some photographers who have a gift of taking photos of people and their dogs and then there are [...]
This story of a deaf therapy dog appeared on newson6.com and I thought you would all enjoy it since many [...]
We all know Deaf Dogs Rock so that is why I wanted to share this story about a deaf Aussie [...]
For our readers in the Brimfield Ohio area. If you know anything about this puppy please contact the Brimfield Police [...]
This past weekend my dog rescue friends and I went to see the film Beyond The Myth sponsored by our local [...]
Since it has been so cold here in Salem, Virginia and since we missed a few days at the dog [...]
I used to drive around with my deaf dog Nitro without a crate or a restraint in my car until [...]
Since this was one of my favorite "Twas The Night Before Christmas" renditions I thought I would rerun it again [...]
I love seeing news stories about deaf dogs learning signs because what it does is bring awareness to our cause [...]
This is Callie's Happy Tail told by her humane mom Emily Lewis Four years ago I was working as the [...]
According to my two deaf dogs Nitro and Bud, Pilots-N-Paws totally ROCKS. When I ran across this news report on [...]
I saw this article on the Animal Rescue Site and I know a lot of our Deaf Dogs Rock followers [...]
Pilots N Paws saves another deaf dog! Check out Whitney's story found on the Pilots N Paws Blog of her [...]
I asked Joanne Hart if she and Joe could share with us here at Deaf Dogs Rock some information about [...]
This Happy Tail was submitted by Sadie's mom Sherri. Thanks Sharri for telling Sadie's story! This is a testimonial not [...]
By: Christina Lee - Deaf Dogs Rock - www.deafdogsrock.com We get many questions about deaf dogs here at DeafDogsRock.com but [...]
We adopted Mackenzie. Fortunately she never made it to a shelter. She was found by a good Samaritan in NW [...]
This story was sent into us by Debra Bahr. Thanks Debra for sharing Sarge's Happy Tail with us! Sarge totally [...]
Special Event: "Dog Is My Copilot" Rescue Flyway - Pilots N Paws “Dog Is My Copilot” Rescue Flyway - September 28-29, 2012 [...]
Hi my name is Carrie Whitney Butts and I was contacted by a friend a few months back who was contacted [...]
This is Echo and he is a deaf Pittie mix who lives in Fort Bragg CA. Echo has earned his [...]
I saw a photo posted by Tara of her latest agility class with special needs dogs added to our Deaf [...]
Lately I have found that when I spend $ 10 to $ 15 on a dog toy it usually lasts [...]
I ran across this article and I thought it was written from a very realistic view point. Here on Deaf [...]
Since DDR hasn't featured a therapy dog story in awhile I was so excited to get Lilian Fukuda's latest story [...]
I got an email from Nancy Colwell saying she has been following our site and never sees any deaf Greyhounds [...]
Since I am constantly searching for articles on deaf dogs, I thought our Deaf Dogs Rock readers would appreciate the [...]
Way back in January 2012 Deaf Dogs Rock featured tortured deaf dog named Phoenix on our website when he was [...]
Since 4th of July is this week, Chris, Nitro and I would like to wish all of you Rockers out [...]
Today I want to welcome our guest blogger Anne Murphy. Anne is an awesome deaf dog foster mom. Often Deaf [...]
This is Kiefer's Happy Tail submitted by children's book author Trisha Malfitana. Kiefer's Happy Tail It all started out in [...]
Nitro and I are very lucky because I am one of the lucky people who gets to work from home [...]
I ran across this article on the Critic's Notebook on the NYTimes.com about at three upcoming T.V. shows about the [...]
When I first adopted Nitro they told me at the Shelter he never barked or maybe he didn't know how [...]
Check it out this article. According to Citybeat.com the Pit Bull Ban in Cincinnati has been repealed (Nitro and I [...]
I know I mentioned this trend a few weeks back but I do want to highlight it once more since [...]
Nitro had a blast on the big pile of mulch at the Salem Rotary Dog Park. So much so we [...]
Check out Argus! Not only did he earn his AKC CGC Award but also earned his Rally I Title. Congratulations [...]
Many of you know dog advocate and deaf dog owner Kaye Gorman. She is down in FL constantly networking deaf [...]
Thanks Eric Melvin for sending us this latest article from the Fort Morgan Times on you and Angelyne. To our [...]
I follow Penny Eims on the Examiner.com and I noticed her weekend posting about a deaf senior German Shepherd named [...]
Thanks Amber for sending this great article about you and your dog. I think dogs bring out the best in [...]
When I read this opinion article this morning in the Gulfport Patch by Shelly Maslak, I couldn't help but think [...]
We are Deaf Dogs. We have humans that go the extra mile to protect us from wrongdoing. Our humans are our [...]
To celebrate "over the hump day" we like to feature a fun photo for our readers to put their very [...]
Since it is Spring cleaning time here at Deaf Dogs Rock, I've already started washing all the dog beds, dog [...]
I have waited weeks to get the actual details of Ice the deaf dog's shooting and finally a couple of [...]
It is heartbreaking at times to be a part of deaf dog rescue because so many times we see and [...]
To celebrate "over the hump" day we ask our Deaf Dogs Rock readers to add their own funny caption to [...]
Since my deaf dog Nitro and I love to celebrate "over the hump" day by going to the Salem Rotary [...]
This morning a received an email from Trisha Malfitano and she sent me this wonderful news story about her amazing [...]
To celebrate "over the hump" day Deaf Dogs Rock likes to put up a fun photo of dogs and ask [...]
I received this article this morning from a friend and thought I would share it with all of you. American [...]
AKRON — Police arrested two men in connection with a suspected dog napping. It is unclear if the dog escaped from [...]
Meet Dee Dee our Deaf Dogs Rock Dog of The Day. Isn't she just beautiful? She is a little shy [...]
Since we have so many of our Deaf Dogs Rock readers adopting new dogs, I thought it would be a [...]
Last week was a tough week here on Bluebird Farm because our smallest dog Tallulah caught a terrible cold that [...]
Since it is Over The Hump Day we like to celebrate here at Deaf Dogs Rock with a Wordless Wednesday [...]
You can make a difference in the life of a deaf dog
Deaf Dogs Rock is a non-profit organization designated by the Internal Revenue Services as an approved 501(c)(3) public charity. All donations are tax deductible. Please see our about us page for more information.
100% of donated funding goes directly to helping deaf dogs and their owners. Everyone in our organization donates their time.
The number of deaf dogs whose lives have been impacted by the Deaf Dogs Rock community.
NOTICE: Deaf Dogs Rock is a directory of deaf dogs in need of homes. Some deaf dogs are with rescue organizations or private owners. No information on Deaf Dogs Rock is guaranteed. Although the information on DeafDogsRock.com is updated frequently, it is always best to call the facility, organization, or private owner that lists the deaf dogs with us to ensure it is still available and to ensure that the information listed on DeafDogsRock.com is accurate. It is crucial that any pet found through an adoption service be thoroughly examined by a veterinarian immediately upon adoption. Any deaf dogs found, adopted through or listed on DeafDogsRock.com are the sole responsibility of the adoption organizations and/or the adopting party. Deaf Dogs Rock accepts no responsibility for any liability or for any injury or damages to any person or property caused by any listed deaf dog, as well as any cause of action, claims, suits or demands whatsoever that may arise as a result of such injury or damage.
As an Amazon Associate and Chewy affiliate, we earn commissions from qualifying purchases. This revenue funds the development and maintenance of our website.
© Deaf Dogs Rock, Inc. | Website by Lee Digital Marketing