Flat Pets are a large photograph of your pet that has been carefully cut out with a blade and then mounted to a foam board. The idea behind making a flat pet is so your pet can travel with you. It’s kind of a fun way to photograph your pet in different parts of the world without your pet actually being with you. Many pet bloggers take their flat pets everywhere. It is a wonderful conversation starter for sure.

When I went to the BlogPaws Pet Blogger’s Conference two years ago in Northern Virginia, my friend Kristin Guffey (with Dogs Rock blog) and I took a class called My Flat Pet given by Bev VanZant . Bev has a great blog called My Flat Pet which chronicles the travels of her flat pet Tyler while her real dog Tyler has to stay home.

Here are a few photos from our Flat Pet Workshop with Bev at the BlogPaws Conference this year.

Before we took the workshop Kristin and I had to take new photos of our dogs looking straight at us from a “dogs viewpoint” like the above photo of Nitro.

Bev did a great job of teaching us how to do our very own Flat Pet in about 45 minutes. I got two flat pets done in the 45 minute time slot (one of Tallulah and one of Nitro)

Here is Bev’s Flat Dog Tyler. She cut away all the large pieces of foam board before she went into the outline detail. Here is a great tip – be sure to change the blade on your exacto knife often (I changed mine 3 times on each flat pet).

Here is my friend Kristin’s dog Zoey girl. She just took her first trip up North with Flat Zoey and she had a ball taking photos of her flat pet with Nigel (head dog at Life With Dogs).

I was so excited when I got back from the BlogPaws Pet Blogger’s Conference because Nitro’s Canine Good Citizen Certification and medal where waiting for me when I got home. Here is our first Flat Pet Photo ever.

Now it’s my turn to photograph my Flat Pet Nitro around Roanoke Virginia! 

Since the Harvest Festival was downtown along with the Blue Ridge Rock and Ride, my husband Chris and I decided to head down to the new Uptown Joe’s Restaurant for lunch, stop and look at the bikes and then walk through the Harvest Festival and check out all the old antique Tractors. We decided at the last minute to take Flat Nitro with us. We had so much fun taking photos of Flat Nitro everywhere we went. It was more fun seeing the looks on people’s faces as they watched us put Nitro into place and then snap a photo. Many of them asked where we got our Flat Pet. We had so much fun! Here are a few of the photos from our outing.



If you decide you want to make your own Flat Pet, and want to learn how you can do it yourself, then click here to go to MyFlatPet.com