I just love when we get another story of yet another deaf dog going through all the levels of obedience training and then on to receive their AKC Canine Good Citizen Award. For a deaf dog and their owner, this is a HUGE accomplishment. It takes a loving and patient owner willing to step up and make a consistent training commitment to their deafie to be the best dog he/she can possibly be by giving the dog opportunities for learning at higher levels.

Today I would like you all to meet and congratulate Rose Fernandez and her deaf boxer boy Laszlo for receiving his AKC Canine Good Citizen Award. Laszlo is a 4 year old deaf boxer who has been with Rose for the past three years. Rose adopted Loszlo from the Forte Rescue in L.A. Rose says “I’m very proud of my boy”.

Congratulations Rose and Laszlo and welcome to our very special Deaf Dogs Rock AKC Canine Good Citizen Wall of Fame. According to my deaf dogs Nitro, Bud and myself, you and Laszlo totally ROCK. Rock on Laszlo, rock on! ~ Christina , Nitro and Bud Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock