Nitro, Rebecca Custer (she is the Shelter Director who introduced me to Nitro) and I left really early on the Thursday morning May 16, heading to Tyson’s Corner, VA  to attend the National BlogPaws Conference. The BlogPaws Conference is a conference for pet bloggers and writers to come and connect with each other and learn about up and coming Social Media trends and information. We left early that morning on May 16, so we could catch our friend Kristin Elliot speaking in one of the early BlogPaws sessions. We made it just in time to check into the hotel, freshen up, eat lunch and head down to participate in Kristin’s session.



Top left photo: From Top L to R – Rebecca Custer (City of Salem Animal Shelter), Christina Lee (Deaf Dogs Rock) and in the front Nitro , Bottom left photo: Kristin Elliott and Christina Lee, Middle photo: Christina Lee with Kristin Elliott and their two dogs Nitro and Ally, Right photo: Kristin Elliott with Nitro and her dog Ally

It has been about a year since I  become friends with Kristin Elliott. I met her last year when I attended the BlogPaws Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Kristin was one of the product venders at last year’s BlogPaws. She was there to market her new product the Doodie Pack. Kristin is the CEO of Doodie Pack and she has this great product I fell in love with last year. When I spotted the Doodie Pack on her big stuffed display dog, I just knew it was just perfect for deaf dog owners and their dogs. Not only was I right about the Doodie Pack but Kristin and I became instant friends.

Nitro, Rebecca and I were so excited that we made it to the Sheraton of Tyson’s Corner in time to get to sit in on Kristin’s session called “Strengthening Your Brand”. The entire room was packed and Kristin and Sybil Stershic gave a very informative talk and presentation. Near the end of the session Kristin asked Nitro and I to come to the front of the room so she could present a donation to our organization Deaf Dogs Rock.  Kristin handed us a huge check made out to Deaf Dogs Rock in the amount of $ 250.00!  Nitro and I were so honored to receive such a considerate gift. The money donated to Deaf Dogs Rock from Doodie Pack will go towards deaf dog sponsorships, medical expenses (spay/neuters) and transport costs to get deaf dogs out of state to safety into another state/rescue.

Many of the Doodie Packs ordered over the past year by our DDR followers have the deaf dog’s name embroidered on the side and then under the dog’s name it says something like “I’m Deaf, Please Ask To Pet” or “Deaf Dog In Training – Please Ask To Pet”. Since our Deaf Dogs Rock followers were so excited about their Doodie Packs,  Chris and I went ahead and designed a special Deaf Dogs Rock logo to go on the sides of Doodie Packs that are available through Kristin’s Doodie Pack website. By doing so, our readers could order a colorful Doodie Pack with their personal information embroidered on the side but now they also have the option to add the  “Deaf Dogs Hear With Their Hearts” inside a pink embroidered heart.



Here is a photo of Nitro and Bud’s Doodie Packs off of


The DDR heart logos have been a huge success and Kristin has been a delight to work with. She is so very kind and considerate to donate to our mission of saving deaf dogs. According to my deaf dogs Nitro, Bud, and myself, Kristin Elliott with Doodie Pack totally Rocks!

Thank you again Kristin!


Christina, Chris, Nitro and Bud

Deaf Dogs Rock



Photo of Kristin Elliott of Doodie Pack presenting a big check made out to Deaf Dogs Rock to Nitro and I at BlogPaws 2013