Update 8-29-2014: Alexander went home with his new human mommy and daddy today. His new mommy Lisa is a Vet Tech and they have no other dogs or children at their home so he will be in a peaceful environment and well cared for. Deaf Dogs Rock will continue to pay for all of Alexander’s Vet visits, follow up care, medication and anything Alexander may need. Thanks to all of you who helped us help Alexander. I know when Nitro broke his toe when he was the exact same age as Alexander here, it was the longest 8 weeks of my life but because he had to be tethered to me for 6 of those 8 weeks so he could not run it ended up being such a blessing because it was such a great training and bonding time. I think Alexander’s new human mommy and daddy Lisa and Mathew Miller will probably go through the exact some thing Nitro and I went through together. I want to personally thank all of you for donating to Alexander’s care. I think he is going to grow up to be an amazing little deaf boxer boy! Thanks again, ~ Christina Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock unnamed (34)

Update 8-25-2014:Alexander has been adjusting to his new Cone of Shame, his liquid diet, and also to his medical muzzle to keep his jaw in place so he can heal. Alex’s foster mom Kimberly has been taking Alexander in to see two different Vets (one specializes in dental) a couple of times a week to have him checked out and his pain medication adjusted. . He got a new muzzle fitted this week but it was also discovered he had a really bad UTI so he is now on medication for the UTI. Kimberly was worried about Alexander filling better and wanting to play and rough house with the other dogs in her home not to mention play with the kids so they choose the perfect family for Alexander.

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Dr. Zelner fitting Alexander with a new cone because he outgrew his old one. Look at her just giving him love! 

Update 8-18-2014 7:00PM – Update on Alexander. Kimberly said the first Vet that looked at the XRays does not feel comfortable treating him so she has an appointment tomorrow with Dr Zelner. Dr. Zelner will take new XRays and then decide weather to treat Alexander or refere him to a specialist. We will be sending in payment tonight for the Emergency Vet and then we may have two more Vet bills to cover depending on what the Vet says tomorrow after additional XRays. The good news is he is so young and young dogs bounce back and heal pretty fast. We will continue to take donations to try to reach our goal by tomorrow morning. He is resting comfortably and they have been hand feeding him soft food to keep up his strength. His motor skills are starting to improve which is good. If you can help with just $5 or $10 every little bit adds up. To make a Visa or Paypal donation just click the big Yellow Donate Now Button below.  Any money raised over the amount needed for Alexander will go directly to sponsor deaf dogs into rescue and pay for their medical needs.

Thank you so much for helping little Alexander make it through this painful accident! ~ Christina Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock

Click above to donate.
All donation are securely processed through our registered non-profit account with PayPal.

I just got word that baby Alexander Graham Boxer the puppy we sponsored into rescue in Florida slid on a wet kitchen floor running full speed directly into a kitchen cart breaking his jaw!!! He is only 11-12 weeks old and he will need surgery. Kimberly Johnson who does deaf dog fostering rushed Alexander to the emergency Vet and to have X-Rays done. I personally asked her if she would rescue Alexander and foster him. Not only did she step up, but she also got a rescue to accept him and screen applicants. Deaf Dogs Rock paid for his neuter surgery through the help of our followers and now I have a HUGE favor to ask our DDR Community. Can you spare just $5, $10 or $20 to help Alexander out? No amount is to small and it all adds up. We will spend the next 48 hours trying to raise enough money to pay for Alexander’s jaw surgery. 100% of all proceeds collected will go to pay for his surgery (any extra will go toward’s medical expenses for deaf dogs in need of medical care).

Kimberly said the  X-Rays showed that little Alex had a jagged break in his jaw bone on the left side and estimated cost of care ranges from $1800 to $2500.  The ER vet felt he was stable enough to wait till Monday to see the oral surgeon and sent him home with pain meds.  Right now, little Alexander is resting under the watchful care of his foster parents.  He is in considerable pain from the manipulation of his jaw to get the X-rays as well as the original fracture.  If the jaw should get bumped and become unstable, it could be fatal for little Alexander Graham Boxer. 

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Here is how this tragic accident unfolded today at Alexander’s foster home. From Kimberly Johnson: 

Alexander Graham Boxer was neutered on Wednesday to prepare him for his forever home.  The veterinary staff sent him home with pain meds, hoping that he could stay quiet for a few days.  While it did nothing to calm him down, it did make him a little less steady on his feet.
Baby Alexander and the foster family pups were cooped up all day from the torrential downpours that assaulted Florida’s west coast on Friday. When foster mom finally let them out, it was still rainy but they were very hyper and needing to potty. While outside, foster mom mopped the potty spills up from the kitchen floor and then opened the back door to let all the pups in.  The two older dogs came bounding in, skidding around the corner with little Alexander close on their heals.  While the older dogs were able to round the corner without incident, little Alexander slid full speed into the kitchen cart, hitting his jaw on the metal base.  Our brave little Alexander yelped in pain but got up and chased after the others, albeit a little more cautiously.
That evening his family checked him for injury as he would yelp occasionally but saw no apparent injury and could not locate the tender area (checking paws, back and belly). By Saturday it was evident that something was  really wrong with him and his foster parents headed to emergency vet for an exam.  X-rays showed that little Alex had a jagged break in his jaw bone on the left side and estimated cost of care ranges from $1800 to $2500.  The ER vet felt he was stable enough to wait till Monday to see the oral surgeon and sent him home with pain meds.  Right now, little Alexander is resting under the watchful care of his foster parents.  He is in considerable pain from the manipulation of his jaw to get the X-rays as well as the original fracture.  If the jaw should get bumped and become unstable, it could be fatal for little Alexander Graham Boxer.
This is a photo of Alexander earlier in the week BEFORE his accident (before his broken jaw).
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