We received a wonderful update on deaf boxer Tyson from his mom Trisha Sluder so I thought I would share it here with all our readers. Thanks Trisha for taking a chance on Tyson, loving him, training him, having patience with him, and keeping him safe. According to my deaf dogs Nitro, Bud and myself, you and Tyson totally ROCK! Christina Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock

This is Tyson’s update and Happy Tail told by his human mommy Trisha Sluder.

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From Patricia: I hope we might encourage others to take a chance on a deaf dog like we did. We found Tyson at a Petsmart Adoption Event, after our Boxer/Lab mix died at almost 10 of brain cancer. ARK (Animal Rescue Company) was at Petsmart that day and Eva showed me this deaf dog they had rescued from a kill shelter in Los Angeles. I jumped on the phone and called my daughter to ask her to come down to Petsmart with my daughters dog Pebbles to see if they would get along. I took a chance, adopting a deaf dog, not really knowing what I was getting in to. Tyson was just so sweet and I couldn’t let him go. He was not in the best shape because he had a lot of skin issues on his belly. Our first night was pretty rough and I was up with him all night long.  We went to the Vet the following day because Tyson was coughing and the Vet confirmed he had kennel cough. With lots of love and patience we got through Tyson being sick but then a few months later he was diagnosed with Pancreatitis, but the last 6 months he had done really well.

One year later and our boy is happy, skin is now healthy, and he is my constant companion. He knows how to come “tell” me he needs to go out, and I know how to gently wake him to let him know I am leaving the room. He no longer super panics, but will fly through our house looking for me if I forget to let him know. I have learned to always leave the house by being sure Tyson is aware I am leaving. He does very well with structure. He has a daily routine where he gets kibble in his Kong treat dispenser and our hearing dog gets a treat too just before we walk out the door. If other family members are home I can exit the front door as he watches out a window. Having a deaf dog has been a challenge at times, a real commitment, and worth every single minute!

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Tyson with their cat Maddie and Pebbles. 

Tyson has taught me so much about patience, love, devotion, and what a special year this has been. I look forward to our second year with all of us together!

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Patricia’s grandson napping with Tyson.