Considering a Deaf Dog?
Just Found Out Your Dog is Deaf?

Deaf dogs make amazing pets!
Join our community of 80,000+ dedicated to promoting the care and well being of deaf dogs.

Deaf dogs are not harder to train, just a bit different.  In fact, raising a deaf dog will make you a far better dog owner. Apprehension is fine, help set it aside by reading the following:

The best part of a community is sharing success stories and learning from each other.  Brighten your day by reading a few and seeing how amazing deaf dogs can be, and contact us to share your story!

Thinking about adopting?  Know a deaf dog in need?

NEW!  Meet our Deaf Dogs Rock Ambassadors

Be sure to visit our Honor and Memory Wall!

News and Updates

Prana – OH

Meet our Deaf Dogs Rock Starlet of the day adoptable deaf, 2.5 year old, Aussie/Lab mix Prana who is a [...]

Echo – Adopted

Update 3/23/24: Sweet Echo has been adopted and found the perfect family! From Michigan Doodle Rescue Connect: Look who got [...]

Saving one deaf dog may not change the world, but it will certainly change the world for that one dog