We love to hear from you, please contact us.
Your website has been a great resource for me. I have had my sweet little guy for one whole week :-) with really no time to prepare. As an audiologist and a dog lover it was a no brainer when one of my nurses told me one of the pups in her litter appeared to be deaf(and he surely is). She didn’t know who would want the pup as her buyer wasn’t interested in a deaf pup but also that she was concerned about finding someone who would understand how to care for him.
I have included some great pics of him as he is so playful, adorable and photogenic:
Thank you,– Colleen
Hi guys, Just want to say I appreciate everything y’all do. I wanted to share a picture of my best friend Gunner. He’s an 8 month old deaf Aussie. I picked him out when he was only a few weeks old and found out a month or so later that he was deaf. I was a little worried about how he was going to adapt (I had no previous experience with deaf dogs) but your website really helped me educate myself and alleviate my concerns. I’m so happy that he’s part of my life now, he’s definitely still naughty sometimes, but he’s learning signs quickly and follows me everywhere I go. His momma and I love him so much and I can’t imagine my life without him. Just wanted to say thank you for bringing all these resources together so that people, like me, can have somewhere to go for information.
– Erik
Found a puppy on the side of the road about 3 months ago. He was hungry, freezing and covered with fleas and I instantly fell head over heels in love. Turns out he is deaf and has a blind spot in one eye. He is albino great Dane mix. At 5 months old he is 55lbs. Your website and Facebook link have been a terrific resource for me and Murdock. He will sit, stay, roll over both directions, and do the commando crawl. The leash training is progressing well too. People just don’t know what they are missing when they pass up one of these special animals.Thanks again
– Wendy
Just wanted to say thank you for everything. Hoss went to his forever home today after a long process of getting all details together. Hoss was seen by a family on your website and fell in love with Hoss. It was hard finding the perfect family but I did. They recently lost their deaf bulldog and wanted to save another deaf dog. They are kind and patient people and all know sign language as she teaches it. Was a heartbreaking day for me and I miss him very much but I know I found the right family. Thank you so much.
– Melissa
Precious Paws Rescue
From Hoss’ adoptive family Traci Ruiz: want to thank Deaf Dogs Rock for connecting us with our new amazing puppy! I saw him on your site and we were able to adopt him yesterday and bring him to his forever home. He is amazing and we LOVE him very much! We lost our deaf american bulldog recently and we wanted to be sure to save another deaf precious pup. I have been an interpreter for the deaf for 25 years and he is in good hands with my family! I wanted to thank Melissa Millier and Precious Paws of the Panhandle. She was an amazing foster mother, she saved his life and was wonderful to him. Deaf Dogs DO Rock! THANY YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!
– Traci
Thank you so much for posting Bright Eyes for me. You are definitely an answer to prayer. Bright Eyes has found a wonderful home on 500 acres and has another deaf dog for a companion. And I have gotten many messages offering to adopt or foster here. I can never thank you enough. If it is not too much trouble, can you please remove the post so that people will know she is safe.
– Debbie
Hey Christina,
Well, GOOD NEWS!!!!!!! Thanks to your listing Taurus was adopted yesterday, Friday. I have been in touch with the adopter and things are going very well. His new owner has been receiving training in sighning with deaf dogs. This home is go appropriate for Taurus. Your specialized web site went out to the people who would have some experience or knowledge of deafness in the dog world. Perfect!! I want to thank you for all your help. I am sure that Taurus would still be in his kennel at animal control today if it hadn’t been for your help in getting his name and story out there! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
I will but your FB page info. on our FB page with this successful story. You guys Rock!– Jeanne
Dear Deaf Dogs Rock, I will be posting on your fb page soon but I have to tell you…THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU!!!! Because of Deaf Dogs Rock Chance is going to a wonderful home in Vermont! He is on this way this very second. He left yesterday morning and will be arriving at 6:30-7pm EST. NONE of this would be happening if it weren’t for you!!
I (and I’m sure Tasha too) thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I will be posting photos with his story on your fb page as soon as Tasha takes some!!– Denise
Hi Christina! I am writing to let you know that Blue was adopted to his forever home this past weekend! Yeah!!
Due to your website I had people contact me from all over the country. Blue was very popular! We finally found the perfect home for him. Thanks so much for posting his information and contributing to the effort. Thanks!– Kelli Hayes
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for posting Hannah Banana. She has been adopted!! Her forever family found her on Deaf dogs rock and she is now happily living with them in the Santa Cruz mountains. She was in foster over three years total and you helped immeasurably in helping this family find each other. I can’t thank you enough. Kay
– Kay
Around December, your website posted a deaf dog for my shelter (Five Acres Animal Shelter in St. Charles, MO) named Reese, an Anatolian Shepherd. As her foster Mama, I am so excited to tell you that she has been adopted into a wonderful home and they found her through your website! Thank you so much for posting her, they may have never found her if you hadn’t. I just wanted to let you know so that you can take her off of the webpage. Thank you again for all of your help!
– Abigail
Hi Christina, just wanted to give you another big THANK YOU! Because of Deaf Dogs Rock, Newton was adopted to a great family over the past weekend! Here he is with his new sister Annie, (deaf too) and you can just see the huge doggie smile he has plastered across his goofy face. Newton is HOME, and it’s all thanks to you! Hip hip hooray for Deaf Dogs Rock!
– Dana
Christina, Chris and all the DDR Staff, We cannot express our thanks properly. If not for the far reaching net of your website, we would have never heard of deaf dogs and never been introduced to our Zima baby. If not for Zima, we would have never thought of Chance. And our family might have always been lacking something. Instead we are blessed with the unique personalities of two incredibly different dogs. And somehow, thank God!!- all three of them love each other and get along….just like they were meant to be here at this time for us.
We will forever be in debt to you for your sacrifices. The courage it took to adopt a deaf dog with little knowledge, then start a website to provide others with information, and to champion this cause on so many fronts is a great inspiration to us. My only regret is that I do not have a bigger yard….for just one more!!– Elizabeth & Jeff
Six months ago I saw this beautiful dog in a shelter photo DDR shared to help save her life. Three days later I picked her up from the shelter to foster her! Two weeks ago a man contacted me about my deaf foster, Elle Woods, after seeing her on the Deaf Dogs Rock website. One week ago we made the 3 hour drive from Dallas to Austin to meet.
Here are some photos from Elle Woods’ big adoption day a week ago. She went to visit a great family in Austin and is getting along well with their other rescue pitty, Zipper. Hank surprised Liz and she was so excited – it was very sweet. Hank works from home and Liz will be graduating soon with a degree in American Sign Language!!! She told me she’s always wanted a Deaf dog. I couldn’t imagine a better home for my pretty Elle Woods. She will now be known as Zoe, but luckily it won’t be difficult for her to adjust to the name change
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Deaf Dogs Rock for bringing this girl from shelter to foster family and now forever home.
– Audrey
Deaf Dog Luna was listed on DeafDogsRock.com for 10 months and she was also sponsored into rescue by DeafDogsRock.
Here is the original photo received from a concerned neighbor. Her neighbor’s had moved out several days earlier and left their deaf dog abandoned out in their old residence.
Christina you and DDR need the Thanks. All of us here at NMAR are so appreciative for all your support to get these precious dogs their forever homes.Here she is in her new home very comfortable and the happiest I’ve ever seen her. She has an awesome new Mom and it is such a perfect match
– Denise
NMeck Rescue
I just wanted to update you on our deaf dog, Rex. Thanks to your post on your web site, Deaf Dogs Rock, Rex found a home! A family in Virginia who have special needs children and actually teach sign language, adopted him. We flew him there this past Sunday and so far everything is going well! You can remove him now and we want to thank you very much! It’s so wonderful that you make it possible for special families to find special dogs!
– Mary
Dogwood Animal Hospital
I wanted to write to say thank you for your website. Your stories and more importantly the information and advice you post were critical in my decision to adopt Sabine from the local animal shelter. I had no idea when I went down to the pound that I would end up adopting a deaf dog. Sabine’s size and general demeanor appealed to be first and I only learned upon meeting her that she was deaf. I came home to think about it / research deaf dogs a little more before making my decision and you gave me the confidence I needed to go back the next day and bring her home.
She’s an AMAZING dog and this is an amazing experience. I feel more bonded with her in the 2 short week’s I’ve had her than with any other animal I’ve had in the past. She is so attentive and loyal. It’s harder for me to learn / invent signs then it is for her to learn them. And I’ve never had a quieter pet in my life.
Thank you for sharing your stories and for being an inspiration for others.– Phil
FROM CHRISTINA AT DDR: Hi Andrea, After reading your shelter managers message please consider we don’t look at these dogs as having disabilities, they are dogs first and deaf second. A person does not need to be an experienced deaf dog owner although we make sure they do go to a home where someone is home often and also has a fenced yard to keep the dogs safe.
A hearing dog is in as much danger as a deaf dog if they are allowed to run loose. We also make sure they are kept as inside dogs with access to a secure fenced yard to keep them safe. If someone had judged me on my experience with owning or training a deaf dog I would not have two deaf boxers today and Deaf Dogs Rock would not exist. It is good to do a thorough screening but it is not necessary to be an “experienced deaf dog owner”.
RESPONSE: Well I’m glad you explained all this to me in these words, because in taking your words into consideration you are exactly correct and I guess we were being worry warts. I’ll remember these words for years to come !
I was just getting ready to email you so your email also gives me comfort …Bronson was adopted today by a wonderful family and I felt very good about the adoption.
In saying that they live 1 ½ hours away and I made them swear and made it very clear that if they have any problems with him or find it too burdensome I want him back and I will drive there to get him. They said that wouldn’t happen and I said, the people that owned half the dogs in this building felt the same way at some point, yet here the dogs are homeless.
I made them promise to keep us updated and I gave them your website for resources.They have never had a deaf dog but their neighbor did so I felt good about knowing that as well !
I certainly appreciate your posting our Rock Star..I appreciate your quick responses and keeping me in the loop as well. I am now a facebook fan of your page and look forward to seeing deaf dogs and happy endings due to your efforts ! We are very picky about adopters, we could hand any dog or cat over to anyone but that’s now how we run our facility. Screening is key to ensure that to our best abilities that this is their final home.I am happy to say that you can mark Bronson as ADOPTED ! And I am equally grateful for all the dogs you help rehome due to your efforts.
– Andrea
I contacted you earlier last year in May, 2014 asking for help for a dog that I picked up on the street after he was hit by a car. Robo. The sweetest, luckiest, and strongest dog I have ever met. You were kind enough to help me and posted him on www.deafdogsrock.com. I wanted to inform you that because of you and your awesome connections, Robo is on his way to his forever home. A wonderful lady by the name of Sandy Donahue contacted me saying she saw his post on the website and that she was interested in helping him and providing him with his forever home. She’s located in Wilsall, Montana. Robo was staying in Miami, Florida over 2,000 miles away. I had hope for him. With some connections with the local rescue that helped me I was able to get in touch with Kindred Hearts Transport Connection KHTC. He just completed day 1 of his 4 day drive to Montana. The reason I’m sending you this email is to send a million thanks! Because of you he will be able to have his happy ending that took a little over 10 months. Thank you. Robo is one lucky dog!!! I am so grateful for you helping me along this journey for Robo and I know he is too. You are one of his many angels.
With lots of thanks,– Jeena