Shysie’s Happy Tail written by Judy McKinney

Meet Shysie (Native American for “The Silent One”, which turns out she is NOT), our eleven month old deaf pit/lab rescue from a foster family in Austin, Texas. We only had rescue dogs in our family, however this little white pup was our first deaf rescue. Having an abundance of energy for a puppy of only four months old when we adopted Shy, I sensed that I needed to channel her energy and find her a “job/purpose”, hence the mini agility course in this video.

Our eleven year old German Shepherd, also seen in the video receiving “spectator treats” was slightly apprehensive about Shy but after a while he has taken her under his wing. He has slowly grown to tolerate and love his busy little deaf companion. Along with the challenges of Shy’s very sensitive digestive system and her need for extra care to her ears which prone to ear infections, this loving puppy has brought a back a lifetime of happiness into our family.


I suffer from Lyme Disease which often drains my energy and sometimes makes me want to spend my free time on our couch. Because of my love for  but beautiful Shy, she has changed my quality of life immeasurably.  When my adult son moved home back home for six months from Austin, Texas he showed up with Shy when she was a wee little puppy. He initially had intentions of taking her back to Austin, TX upon his return but he ended up changing his mind when he witnessed the love between both of us and the joy she brought back into my life.


I just wanted to share our story for those who may be considering taking on the joy and challenge of living with a deaf dog or in case you have any doubts about bringing home a deaf dog or puppy Please let me put your mind at ease because deaf dogs and puppies are not that much different than a hearing dog. My deaf dog is truly a blessing sent from God into my life to keep me active and strong so I would never change a moment of our time together.


Photo: Shy’s first Christmas

As the video above demonstrates, anything is possible and achievable with a little effort training a deaf dog like Shy. Deaf Dogs really do ROCK!
