If you have not met or seen Deaf Rocker Dog Semi you will be delighted in seeing this Rock Star of A Dog. In the dog word she is considered the Gene Simmons of Rocker Dogs. When you read her story and see her photos, you will understand the Gene Simmons reference. This story is told by her human Farrah Marx.

According to my deaf dogs Nitro, Bud and Bowie, Semi totally ROCKS!

~ Christina, Nitro, Bud and Bowie

Be sure to check out a special fundraiser with Semi Socks that Farrah and Semi are doing for shelter dogs by clicking here. 





Semi’s Happy Tail – by Farrah Marx

July 2012, I was 20 years old, living on my own. I had a lot of health issues going on and wanted to take some of that focus and put it towards something else. I wanted to care for someone other than myself. For months, the perfect puppy search continued. It was a group effort amongst my close friends to spend hours on rescue websites and going to different shelters around Los Angeles.

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Semi was at the Inland Valley Humane Society, 8 weeks old, covered in ticks, and fully deaf. I was told a previous family started the process to adopt her and decided against it when they were told she was deaf. She had a collar and toys left from those before me, who no longer pursued adopting her because they didn’t want a dog who had no hearing.


But as for me, I fell in love with Semi, ticks and all, the shelter had named her Angel but I didn’t know that at the time. She was Semi to me. She had big clonking paws that gave away how big she would grow to be. Reminded me of a big semi truck. The fact she had a condition of her own actually felt comforting to me. It felt like we could relate. I put in the paperwork to adopt her and was able to take her home with me on July 27, 2012. (I should leave out that on the drive home from the shelter, she pooped and peed on my front seat and on my backpack in the back seat. She ate my college homework and she almost sent us into a car accident from trying to crawl on me while we were merging onto the freeway to go home).
A few months later Semi and I took a 22 hour drive to Vancouver, British Columbia and lived there for a few months. We were there for medical reasons, but regardless of circumstance we used that time to explore and grow more and more dependent on each other. We are now currently back in California and Semi is currently in the process of possibly becoming a Guinness World Record title holder for longest dog tongue!
We spend every day having picnics, tea parties and watching hockey and football. Our little family.
unnamed (4)Images courtesy of Farrah Marx
Be sure to check out Semi’s Instagram here.