This Deaf Dogs Rock Happy Tail story was submitted by Charity Book. We were so excited to get news one of our Deaf Dogs Rock Adoption listings named Milk Dud (now Penny) was adopted. My deaf dogs Nitro, Bud, Bowie and I were doing the happy dance. Thanks Charity for taking the time to share Penny’s Happy Tail with all of us. You ROCK!  ~ Christina , Nitro and Bud – Deaf Dogs Rock

In April 2014 we lost Hades, our deaf bully mix to cancer. He was 10 years young and I felt like my heart had seized when the diagnosis came back lymphoma. We lost his brother, our Shepherd Dingo Mix, Dappio, in June. He almost made it to 16 and the heart I thought couldn’t break anymore shattered.

Deaf Dogs Rock rescued me. When I saw the listing for Milk Dud it brought tears back to my eyes. There was so much of each of my boys in her cute little white face and she needed me to rescue her as much as I needed her to rescue me. So we packed up for a road trip and drove to Pennsylvania.


Milk Dud’s (aka Penny) shelter photo – BEFORE


AFTER – Penny is so happy to be in her new home. 

Milk Dud is now Canandaigua, NY’s cutest deaf dog, Penny. She joined a family that not only loves dogs but knew first hand just how rambunctious and rewarding a deaf bully mix can be. Losing our bully mix to cancer left a hole in my heart that only Penny’s paws could fill. She inherited a home that was in dire need of her lovable, clowning antics (though if you ask the cat he might not agree). Penny came to us with some issues we are working hard to overcome. She is terrified of crowds and especially teenagers and has some anxiety that is now being treated with medications and training and in the short time we have had her she has enriched our lives tremendously.


We had to teach Penny about toys when we brought her home. She did not even know about tug of war and was confused by the concept of “Penny’s things”. But she learns quickly and impresses us daily with her voracious appetite for fun. Tug of war is her favorite game right up on the list next to playing ball and annoying the cat.

Penny loves other dogs and will soon be going for a daycare evaluation so she can have play dates and make new friends. She loves her walks and is learning leash manners…. slowly… puppy steps on that one.


Penny is deaf but she doesn’t miss out on anything. She is learning hand signals very well and absolutely loves her trainer, Mary. She is all tail wags and smiles when Mary comes over and she works very hard to learn new things. Penny loves to please her humans and picks things up very quickly. She has even taught her humans a thing or too. She made friends with our 92 year old neighbor and is learning manners around wheelchairs so she can visit more often.


Penny is great with other dogs and pretty good with cats too, though her nemesis, Rebel tries very hard to maintain the upper paw. Penny loves to dig, so we had a “sandbox” built for her in the pen where we hide raw-hides and toys for her digging pleasure. Her self appointed daily task list includes guarding her sandbox from Rebel. Rebel has very different ideas about what a sandbox is for…


Our happy little tail wager brought barking joy and tongue lolling smiles back into our home. She could not be more loved.


Thank you Deaf Dogs Rock for bringing us together and completing our furry family!

Be sure to check out Penny’s FB page at Penny Rocks.