This story was submitted by Kaye Gorman and this is Molly’s Happy Tail: We saw Molly on my Facebook postings in danger of being put to sleep and my daughter Courtney and I fell immediately in love. In the photo that was posted on FB it showed the shelter workers holding Molly tight and she looked so frightened that it made my heart ache. Molly’s eyes just looked right into my heart. We both decided no matter what, we had to go and get her. The biggest problem however was that she was located at a shelter more then10 hours away from where we lived.

My daughter Courtney and I found a nice lady who owned a  rescue to help us so she agreed to go and pull Molly for us (before it was to late for Molly). We saved her just in time before the shelter had to put her to sleep to make room for more dogs being dumped at the shelter. I ended up flying  up to my friends home near where they were holding Molly and we jumped in the car and raced to go rescue her.

Photo above: Molly the deaf Bully

Photo Above: Kaye’s daughter Courtney sleeping with Molly and Hannah


When we first spotted our sweet Molly she was running and chasing butterflies! What an angel Molly appeared to be and you could tell from looking at her sweet face she must have had a hard life. We heard through the shelter staff that the previous owner was a young man that had kept Molly tied up to a tree just to use her as a guard dog. When he dropped Molly at the shelter he said she was stupid and did not listen to him so he wanted to surrender her. The guy who turned her in wasn’t bright enough to realize sweet Molly was actually deaf not dumb. Molly has showed a lot of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) signs from living life alone outside with no interaction with people or other dogs but Courtney and I are socializing her and she is slowly making progress. Molly truly loves us with all her heart and I do believe for the first time in her life she knows she is completely safe and loved.

Molly is our second deaf bullie girl and we have another deaf girl named Hannah. Courtney and I decided if we get lucky again, we will add a third deaf dog to our pack. There is absolutely nothing like living and loving a deaf dog or two (or even three). We saved Molly but the truth is she and our other deafie Hannah saved us! Deaf dogs do hear with their hearts and we believe they totally ROCK!


Courtney and Kaye Gorman