We are looking to find a new forever home for our girl, Mabel. Mabel is a 5 year old deaf American Bulldog mix.
Mabel is such a sweet girl that is very cuddly. She is wonderful with other dogs, cats AND children. She does get a little over loveable with kisses on very small kids, but has never hurt anyone. She is heavy, so holding her back with a leash when excited is a bit tough. She could use some patience with leash training.
Mabel does have ongoing UTI issues that have been resolved with medication however the vet let us know that without surgery it will continue to return. It can also be maintained with continued natural remedies, you just have to stay consistent.
Mabel is a wonderful dog and would fit a family that is home a large portion of the day as she does whine a lot when left alone. She does not damage things in the home, but will whine loud.
A retired person/s, military/police members or a family with someone home often would be ideal. Feel free to contact us for any details, we love talking about her.