We love sharing Happy Tail stories of deaf dogs who were rescued and came from Angel Dog Foundation Deaf Dog Ranch in Southern California. This is Luna’s Happy Tail sent in by her mama Denice Lyke. Thanks Denice for sharing! ~ Christina Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock

Luna’s Happy Tail by Denice Lyke

I came across a deaf dog ranch here in Southern California through a friend of mine. I had been looking for a partner to hike with, to take on some good trails. I looked at the ranches website, all the wonderful dogs they had. I knew then I had to go see Luna.


When I went to meet her with my daughters, she was so happy. She had eye contact with us, with me. There was no doubt that I had to bring her into our home. We filled out the foster papers and the next day she came for a visit. It didn’t go well. She was clearly terrified to be around my other dogs. I was so upset as I wanted her to be part of our family. I thought for sure it was going to be a great fit. So they brought her out the day after, this time with a trainer. She met my dogs one at a time, outside. Then after a bit, came in. Everyone was curious with each other. At that point we decided we would have her stay the night. She did great! That’s when our fostering of her started. A month later we adopted her.
I began hiking her immediately. She did wonderful on the trails. Started her with small hikes, almost daily. When we weren’t hiking, she was cuddling up with my girls, or sleeping with me. She is one that doesn’t like you out of her sight. Her longest hike was about 12 miles. She did just fine. She loves the outdoors and to explore.
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I like to say that she rescued me, rather than I rescued her. I can see in her face, her body language, that she is completely happy with her life. Which in turn, makes me happy. The love this girl has to give is phenomenal. Always a wiggle butt and a “roo” when I see her. I can’t say enough about this girl. Truely amazing and deeply loved by us. Our journey will continue for many years to come.
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Photo below: All of our pups at Christmas time.
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