Meet adoptable deaf dog Kahuna who is currently looking for a loving forever home.


Hi there! My name is Kahuna, and I’m here to share my story with you. Yes, it’s true, I might be deaf, but that doesn’t stop me from being the coolest pup around!

Thanks to working with a professional trainer in the past, I’ve mastered plenty of visual commands like sit, down, come, place, and no. I’m working on teaching my humans the other ones I learned. Thumbs up means “yes” or “good boy” to me, but I’d rather work for those tasty treats you’ve got. Speaking of which…I’m a gentleman at taking treats – even those teeny, tiny training treats.

I may look like I hit the gym every day, but I’m actually way more chill than you might expect. Catch me relaxing outside whenever I get the chance, soaking up the sunshine and fresh air. Plus, I’m perfectly happy to snooze under your desk while you work to keep you company. In fact, my humans have a whole collection of photos of my wacky sleep positions. Trust me, they’re Instagram-worthy.

Walks are the highlight of my day—I’m always excited to get out and explore. I’ll even eagerly put my head through the harness when you hold it out for me. When it comes to leash manners, I’ll mostly walk by your side, with just a few “turbo boosts” of energy here and there (a guy’s gotta sniff!) but I respond to leash pressure like a champ.

I’m man enough to admit that I wasn’t too excited about car rides lately (unfortunately they haven’t all led to happy places in my past), but after a few fun outings to get pup cups and out for dinner, I’ve started looking forward to them again.

As for other dogs? No worries! I’m cool as a cucumber around similar-sized pals. I’ve had some great roommates in the past and would be open to sharing my space again. In fact, I might even look forward to it. Oh, and my favorite toys? Anything crinkly—I may not hear them, but I sure do love to chew on them! I don’t even mind entertaining myself for a while.

Now let’s talk about affection—I’m not the kind of guy that will smother you, but I am always happy to see you and I love meeting new people. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a sucker for belly rubs from humans, and I’ll gladly roll over to bask in all the attention.

Sure, I might have a thing for barking at and chasing light reflections (it’s actually pretty common with differently-abled guys like me), but with a little patience and guidance, I’m learning to manage that better every day.

At the end of the day, I’m just a laid-back guy who’s ready to be your loyal companion. Whether it’s playing or going for walks together or just chilling in the backyard, I’m all in. So what do you say? Let’s make some memories together!