This is Izzy. Being deaf did not hold Izzy or her owner Patricia back! Izzy is only 8 months old and she was rescued off the streets of Texas. She is now a K9 Public Safety Educator and Therapy Dog in training at TN Safety Spotters, Inc. She has her Canine Good Citizen Certification and now she is working on her Therapy Certification.






TN Safety Spotter’s goal is to introduce you into the world of deaf therapy dogs. The Spotters travel all over the Mid South area with their owner, trainer and handler, Patricia Belt, teaching children about Fire Safety and Dog Bite Prevention for example, how to stop, drop and roll, and how to safely approach and pet a dog.


They visit schools, libraries, hospitals, Fire Stations, camps, and special events sharing smiles and joy to all. These dogs are registered Therapy Dogs, R. E. A. D. ® dogs AND they do lots of tricks making learning fun.

These special Dalmatians hear with their heart and not their ears.

To enter TN Safety Spotter’s homepage click here.


According to us here at Deaf Dogs Rock, Izzy totally ROCKS!