We are so happy to help a deaf boxer girl from Nitro’s Fund. To honor Nitro’s memory we sponsored deaf boxer Ella into our partner rescue Green Dogs Unleashed here in Virginia. If you want to learn more about Nitro’s fund or donate in honor of your deaf boxer, click here to learn more.
Ella’s story: Sometimes life throws a curve ball and the deaf dog ends up paying for it. Ella is one of those dogs where her humans were getting a divorce and neither party could keep Ella so when her human daddy reached out to Deaf Dogs Rock, we reached out to Green Dogs Unleashed to see if they could take a deaf boxer girl. By reaching out to our partner rescue here in Virginia and Ella being only a few hours drive from Green Dogs Unleashed, she could be safely delivered to GDU in Troy, VA so she wouldn’t end up in a rural Virginia shelter where deaf dogs don’t have much hope of getting out alive. As you can see from the photos below she is covered in soars so we hope our donation to GDU will help her heal.
Ella will be a recipient of Nitro’s Fund since she is a deaf boxer girl and we want to make sure she gets well taken care of as far as her vetting goes.