Welcome to our site!  Life is great when it is full of passions, and our passion is for the love and care of deaf dogs.  We started on this journey in late 2010 with the adoption of our deaf dog Nitro, read his story here.  This has blossomed into helping others and the launch of our site DeafDogsRock.com

We believe our deaf dog Nitro is #1. Part of our family or “pack”, #2. A boxer dog.  #3. A deaf dog. We also live with three hearing dogs so for this reason, our new website deafdogsrock will also include funny videos with hearing dogs as well as deaf dogs. We want to see photos of your deaf dogs as well as your hearing dogs. In other words we invite you to become part of our on-line “pack” on deafdogsrock.com

We hope you enjoy this site and if you have any stories, resources, great dog photos or dog videos, please share them with the rest of our pack. Email them to me at christina@deafdogsrock.com

According to my deaf dog Nitro, he is very excited to meet all of you!

Christina and Nitro