When I started following Cole The Deaf Dog’s Instagram page, I was so touched by Cole’s daddy who is taking his deaf dog advocacy duties to the next level. Christopher Hannah visits local schools to not only educate children on special needs animals, but also to promote how important it is to have empathy for others, and build confidence in children by using a deaf dog to teach them that they can overcome their fears and do anything they set their minds to do. What a powerful message he and Cole are sharing!
Our Deaf Dogs Rock team thinks Chris and Cole totally Rock. I hope you enjoy this story as much as we do. Be sure to share their rockin story with your friends and family!
Rock on, Christina, Nitro, Bud, Bowie and Cornell – Deaf Dogs Rock
Deaf Dog Dog Cole Promotes Acceptance and Awareness submitted by Christopher Hannah
In March of 2017, a gangly leg American Bulldog mix puppy was brought in to the South Jersey Regional Animal Shelter by animal control officers. It turned out that this pup was deaf, a disability which would deter countless families from adopting him. That fact that he is deaf is the exact reason why music teacher Chris Hannah wanted to adopt this special needs puppy. In fact, Chris has a ten year old nephew who is also deaf. The newly named Cole then began his journey to educate children about special needs.
In March, students in Chris’ school wrote a comic book entitled “The Adventures of Captain Cochlear and Maestro Mutt”. The story is based on the dynamic duo of Cole and Chris’ nephew and teaches lesson about overcoming fears, developing self confidence, acceptance of others, and the awareness of special needs. Hundreds of copies have been sold to raise money for Cole’s campaign to be the Cumberland County SPCA Dog of the Year.
Through the “Team Cole Project”, Chris and Cole have traveled to schools all over the area to share their special story and demonstrate that just because you have a disability, it should never hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
Cole has passed his Canine Good Citizen Test and is now a member of the Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dog team, where he visits students on a regular basis to motivate and educate. Cole sits with struggling students as they read him story books to help strengthen their reading skills. One of Cole’s favorite duties is helping students who lack self confidence. He teaches them that anything is possible! This is just the beginning of the many adventures this pup will be taking as a school mascot and therapy dog.
Photo above: Just this week Cole officially became a member of the Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dog Program after he aced his Therapy Dog Test.
The Team Cole Project has been fortunate enough to have their story shared in news publications around the country as well as NBC Philadelphia news channels. Cole has become an advocate for both children and deaf dogs and will continue his journey to promote acceptance and awareness. For more information, please visit the Cole the Deaf Dogs-The Team Cole Project Facebook page. Deaf dogs really do rock!
https://www.facebook.com/ TeamColeProject/
https://www.facebook.com/ animalkindstories/videos/ 574590526232465/