Update 4-27-2015: Beautiful Maddie has been ADOPTED!

Deaf Dogs Rock received an email in mid-March from a lady named Amelia looking for help getting a deaf female puppy named Maddie into rescue. Maddie was currently in Anniston, AL.  She was just 12 weeks old at the time I got the first email and we knew she would be easily adoptable. Thanks to Erika and her team from Green Dogs Unleashed Rescue for agreeing to take her into their rescue.

unnamedDeaf Dogs Rock was able to sponsor Maddie into rescue at Green Dogs Unleashed Rescue thanks to our generous donors who donate towards the sponsorship of deaf dogs and puppies in need. Maddie arrived this past weekend. She was spayed today and she already has an adoption application pending. 

Thanks to Erika and her entire transport team (thanks Myra for putting together her transport) and to all the drivers that helped get her to Troy, VA.



Photos courtesy of Green Dogs Unleashed…check out Maddie being a “back seat driver”! 



Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of those who helped get Maddie into rescue, who transported her, who organized the transport and to our awesome supporters who give so generously so we can help save one deaf dog at a time.

~ Christina, Nitro and Bud – Deaf Dogs Rock