Meet adoptable deaf 120 pound, 6 year old Great Dane mix Copper who is looking for a loving forever home with someone who will cherish him, make daily positive reinforcement training/enrichment a priority and always keep him safe.
From his shelter advocate: Hello,
As a regular volunteer at the shelter, Copper is one of my favorites.
He’s a big 120 lb. 6-year-old fella who happens to also be deaf. Not hearing does not stop this amazing dog. He is one smart guy, who knows many sign language words. He LOVES treats and will work for them! He enjoys ‘galloping’ around the play yard and scratches. He watches his person for direction.
His kennel presence is calm and quiet. Other dogs are barking away and he’s quiet. He seems to be waiting for someone to take him out. When I arrive, he takes the command to sit and lets me enter the kennel and clip leash him. He’s strong, though does not really pull me along. I tend to short leash walk him (keeping him close by my side so he sees me, and I can easily direct him with my body/leash.) Seeing his person (up close or within sight distance) is important for him.
We always head right to the fenced play yard. I adore how Copper quietly walks the play yard, sniffing and urinating (he’s potty trained) and when sorted out, he comes for play. He is always watching and knows to look for commands. He’ll follow me as I walk the yard and gets excited when it’s play time. If playing catch, he kind of gallops like a horse. He’s a fun boy to be around.
He is independent; however, does like to be near you, especially for scratches. He come running up to you to be close and receive a treat. Copper is a great dog.