It gives me great pleasure to share Chase’s Happy Tail with all of our readers. Now that the American Kennel Club (AKC) has opened up their sanctioned sport dog competition to deaf dogs, it makes me proud to see people like Beverly here showing the world that deaf dogs are just as cable as hearing dogs. Thanks Beverly for taking the time to share your story with us here at Deaf Dogs Rock.

Rock on Beverly and Chase, rock on!

~ Christina Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock


Chase’s Happy Tail written by Beverly Clagg

After the death of my cattle dog of 14 years I adopted a deaf Australian shepherd named Chase. When Chase came to our home he was one year old and had no training. Needless to say he was a challenge. I immediately hired a trainer and began to train him to hand signals. What a smart dog! After lessons we graduated and worked on our own. I decided to enroll him in a agility class just for fun and help him gain more confidence. At first it looked like Chase would never get it going through and over the obstacles.  His idea of agility meant running around and taking all the obstacles he liked such as tunnels, jumps, and teeters but in no particular order. Eventually he figured out that we were partners on the course and began running with me and going in the direction I pointed.


Prior to October 2015 deaf dogs where not allowed to compete in the American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctioned events. In October, 2015 the AKC finally ruled that deaf dogs could compete and in December of the same year Chase and I entered our first AKC sanctioned Agility competition. Since then, Chase has earned titles in novice jumpers, fast, open jumpers, and standard. He is currently working on his Excellent title in standard and jumpers. Chase loves the ring.

Chase has also done some training in herding, starting with ducks and graduating to sheep. He’s a natural!


Chase is now four years old and he is the best dog that I’ve ever had the privilege of sharing my life with. He is incredibly smart, loyal, and loving.

I’m so thankful he came into my life. Deaf dogs rock!
Written by Beverly Clagg
(Chase’s mom)