This sweet story was sent in by Chris Charlie’s loving human. Charlie would like to tell you about his “Happy Tail”

From Deaf dog Charlie: I am so happy! Yesterday my new mom and dad came to the city animal shelter where I was staying. They were looking to adopt a new friend since they’d recently lost the two they had that were diabetic and had other health problems. They had already picked me out from the pictures on the shelters web site before they walked into the shelter.

Once they got to the shelter they told the man at the front desk, that they wanted the dog in this cage photo. The front desk man turned around and showed me to them. I was not in a cage, I was laying in a chair behind the front desk office. I was wearing a snazzy sweater the nice people who worked at the shelter had given me. I was nice and comfortable so the man at the counter let them come around and take a look at me. I saw them coming but I couldn’t hear them because I’m deaf. Did I mention to all of you that I am deaf? So anyway, my new mom picked me up and right away I knew I wanted to go home with her. My new dad took one look at me and I could tell he really wanted me just like my new mom did.


The man at the counter was talking to my new parents and I thought oh oh, he’s probably telling them I’m deaf and then they won’t want me. I was getting ready to put on my sad face thinking no one will ever take me to my forever home. The week before the city had a free adoption day and even though the nice people had gotten me all cleaned up, even a hair cut, nail trim, still no one adopted me. I guess it was because I’m deaf. But suddenly good things started happening. My new mom and dad took me around to the front of the counter and started filling out adoption paperwork.

The nice people at the shelter even paid for my adoption. They gave my new family a new leash and collar for me. I was so happy! I led them out the door and they took me to their car. I got into the back seat of the car,looked out the window, and watched the shelter disappear behind me. I was so completely overjoyed! Once we arrived at my new home I was so surprised.   Wow, not a big house but it was warm and there was already a nice cozy bed on the floor just for me.  So, I roamed around the house sniffing every little nook and cranny.  After a few minutes my new dad took me out into the back yard. WOW, the back yard was huge! I walked around the whole yard sniffing, doing my business and checking everything out.

Later that afternoon, my dad took me to get my routine vaccinations and my health exam. I went into the waiting room the nice vet techs took first my temperature, I hated that particular procedure! Then they took me back and took some of my blood for what they called a heart-worm test. I was scared that it might come back positive and my new parents wouldn’t want me anymore. I went back in the waiting room with my new dad and patiently waited.

After a few minutes the nice vet lady came and and started talking to my dad. I saw him smile a really big smile so I guess my heart-worm test was negative. He was really happy and so was I. Then the vet lady wasn’t so nice becaise she wanted to give me some shots. I didn’t like getting those darn shots at all because they really hurt. After the vet lady was done she checked me out some more and I guess she told my new dad that I was pretty healthy except for my teeth. They need a lot of work so my dad is going to get that done early next year.

Dad paid my vet bill and we got into the car and drove home. I like looking out the window of the car just like other dogs do sometimes. We got home and dad went in and told my new mom that everything was okay. My dad said the vet estimated me to be around seven years old. Mom smiled and let me out into the back yard to play for awhile. It was supper time so they gave me this really yummy dog food. It was canned dog food and they had a lot of cans left over from their diabetic dogs. I ate the canned dog food really fast and then for desert my dad gave me a cookie aka a doggy treat cookie.

When it was finally time to go to bed, my new daddy took me to his room. My new mommy says dad has his own room because he snores and she can’t sleep when he is snoring. I walked in my dad’s bedroom and WOW there was another smaller bed right next to my dad’s bed. He set up my bed so I could see him and not be afraid. I think dad got mad at me this morning because I got up really early (before sunrise). I had to go outside and go potty really bad. I back inside after I did my business and dad fixed my breakfast for me. My breakfast was just like last night and it tasted really good. So today was my first new day in my new forever home and it was great.

This is the best Christmas ever for me and I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
