Update 8-15-2014: It gives me great pleasure to announce that Bon Jovi has been adopted! His foster mom fell so in love with him that she could not stand the thought of Jovi living with anyone else but them. Congratulations Jovi!
From the minute we put deaf Dogo Argentino puppy Bon Jovi into our Deaf Dogs Rock transport vehicle (the day we rescued him from NC), Bobbie and I were totally smitten with this boy! He is a total sweetheart but we knew with his breed being a Dogo Argentino, we would need a special home for him. Not only because of the fact he is deaf, but also because of his breed being a strong dominate breed. Jovi would need someone committed to consistent training and socialization to help him grow up with a strong training foundation.
L to R: Christina Lee with Deaf Dogs Rock and Bobbie Patterson Wiggins with Angels of Assisi making a rescue run to NC to save a deaf dogo puppy from being put to sleep.
Big goofy Jovi at 11 weeks!
Photos taken by Bobbie and Christina on the day we went to NC to rescue Bon Jovi
The first family who was approved to adopt Bon Jovi drove all the way from NC on a late Sunday night. By the next week the new family said they had no idea just how much work a deaf Dogo puppy was and at that point we wanted to get Jovi back because Bobbie and I both sensed this was not the right home. The adoptive couple’s other dog started to go after Jovi so we knew right away this was a sign to get Jovi back to Roanoke, VA.
Jovi with Christina Lee from Deaf Dogs Rock leaving Roanoke , VA for Green Dogs Unleashed in Troy, VA on Sunday 6-15-2014
Once Jovi was returned back to Angels of Assisi here in Roanoke, VA, Bobbie received a few adoption applications but many of the people who applied to adopt Jovi, did not have a fenced yard and they didn’t show a lot of interest in things like crate training or signing up for obedience classes. Since time was of the essence and Bobbie and I felt he should at least be in a foster home with an experienced person who could start his training right away, we decided it would be best to sponsor Jovi into the Green Dogs Unleashed program. Erika over at Green Dogs Unleashed had and experienced foster lined up for Jovi and also room in her training program so we made plans to transport Jovi to Troy, Virginia.
Jovi is available for adoption through Green Dogs Unleashed. Go to www.greendogsunleashed.com for more about their adoption process. If you are interested in applying for Jovi email Erika at GreenDogsUnleashed@yahoo.com
Once we got to GDU in Troy, Virginia, every thing worked out great. Jovi got to go into their big fenced play area and play with two Golden Doodle puppies.
A big shout out and thanks go to Bobbie Wiggins and Lisa Oneal at Angels of Assisi Rescue for letting Deaf Dogs Rock sponsor Jovi into rescue here in Roanoke, VA where I could come by daily and work with him. Also a big shout out to Erika Renee at Green Dogs Unleashed for agreeing to let Deaf Dogs Rock sponsor Jovi into their wonderful program. I feel blessed to work with such amazing Rescue Warrior Women!
Bon Jovi with Erika with Green Dogs Unleashed
Thanks to our supporters who send in donations so we can continue to sponsor special puppies and dogs like Jovi into rescue and foster programs.
I will be forever grateful for your kindness and generosity!
~ Christina Lee – Deaf Dogs Rock