Update 12/01/17: Our sponsored rocker puppy deaf dog Blaze has been adopted and has a new dog sibling who looks very much like him! We are always so very excited when we see or meet one of our Rocker Puppy’s families. What a great match. Thanks so much to Green Dogs Unleashed for taking Blaze when we reached out to them for help. They always step up and help a deaf dog in need of rescue. They also make sure the dog gets a safe foster home where the dog can thrive, learn new things and gain confidence while the rescue coordinator screens potential homes to make sure they make a good match for the dog and the humans. We think the GDU team totally rocks! Enjoy our new life Blaze!
~ Christina, Nitro, Bud, Bowie, and Cornell – Deaf Dogs Rock
Above photo: Blaze (Left) with his new family at the GDU Holiday Bazaar. Photo courtesy of GDU.
Blaze is one of our sponsored DDR Rocker Puppy recipients who has recently been adopted. We got to meet his new family when we attended the Green Dogs Unleashed Holiday Bazaar at Castle Hill Cider near Kiswick VA.