Lu is a 10 year old who recently earned her AKC Dog Trick Title with her deaf dog Lark. Lu and Lark live in WI. Lark is a one year old rescue dog who was adopted by Lu in September 2022. In June 2023 Lu and rescue dog Lark earned their AKC Trick Dog Title. Lu was very proud to earn this title with her deaf dog Lark. Lu performed all of Lark’s tricks using sign language cues to communicate each task. Our Deaf Dogs Rock Community is so proud of Lu and Lark and we want to congratulate them on their hard work and efforts.
We see great things on the horizon for Lu and her deaf dog Lark!
In testing for the 4-H Trick Title, Lu and Lark completed the following tasks:
- Hand signals
- Handler tap for focus
- Sit
- Dog push-ups
- Spin
- Go through the hoop
- Get into a box
- Sit in the box
- Shake/give paw
- High five
- Give kisses
- Crawl on the ground