Submit a Deaf Dog Listing
This form should only be completed by fosters, rescue coordinators, shelter staff, or individual owners.
You must have authority to list the dog for adoption.
Thank you for contacting Deaf Dogs Rock to request a deaf dog listing! This is the first critical step in finding a loving home for a deaf dog in need.
- In the sections below you will provide information that is essential for giving a dog the best chance at a forever home.
- Please be complete and accurate, do not guess. If you do not know the answer to a question then please wait to complete the listing request until you can find that information.
- We cannot accept second party listings. You must be either the owner/foster, or an employee/volunteer of the shelter/rescue that is caring for the dog. Do not submit these requests on the behalf of others.
- To stay true to our mission and focus, we can only list deaf dogs.